Friday, September 26, 2008

Found this on A Walk One Day

That's a snapping turtle baby!! Apparently they are well known for nesting in the swampy areas down by the beach, and there is one female that always has a nest around Mimos restaurant.


Anonymous said...

I keep losing you... ha ha ha

princess has you linked now.. so you can't get away.. Do you have the follow me,,, thingy..cause I can't find it.

Changed servers.. changed a bunch of stuff.. now have to re-find everyone... but you have been nabbed.. no getting away again..

don't know how to make the email thingies work now.. cause it's all messed up.. but at least I found you...

Winterskiprincess said...

I've never heard of a "follow me thingy", so I don't think I have one.

You found my other my-family-sucks blog too, right? I used to try to hide the fact that I was both, but people found me anyway so WTF.


Anonymous said...

In layout,, under add a gadget.. they've got a new toy that you can add to your blog where we just click it and we can follow you.. look at the Queen of No man's land... and you will see it.. It is awesome...

Yeppers,, I found you on family sucks by googling.. family sucks,, a long time ago.. then found your other blog through Chris...(sunsets)

I'm the old WTF blogger that you use to read..