IHere is a little news story that should turn most people's stomache's as the new candidate for VP becomes better known. Really there was no chance of me voting for McCain, even if he did find a way to make Hillary his VP candidate. He's old, feeble, and apparently stoopid. I am imagining many republicans are thinking "WTF?" I am neither, I don't vote along party lines. I think about the last thing we need is an old, white, health challenged, new president. Especially considering his running mate will be up next should something happen to him. Is it possible he intentionally picked a disaster female knowingly to block out any near future attempts for a female president? Did he take one for the team or what?
Have you heard Palin speak? She is a disaster. Not so much so as our current president, who whenever I see him on the news, seems to have a problem stringing simple words together into a sentence. Nevermind poise or panache. Can you say defensive? OMG. Please, please keep her OUT of the white house. I am having flashbacks to Swifty as Governor of Mass. Those were NOT good years. Oh, by the way, Romney was another of McCain's prospective runnees. Must be because of all the good he's done in Mass. Are you Fing kidding me!!
No I am not thrilled with Obama either, but it's coming down to picking the best of the worst. Okay, it might be harsh to call Obama the worst, but I soooo wish it was Hillary who got the nod. I find him an educated and well spoken candidate, but a little too "slick" for my liking. He lacks sincerity. I doubt he's experienced enough as yet. However, I think he's less of a disaster than others, and most likely to make the better president. His VP I need to look into more. I was somewhat shocked that he seemed to pull from the old white boys club. On the other hand, I have heard him speak (the VP candidate), and he sounds intelligent enough. Is he healthy though or will this be another Cheney? I mean the White House must age you 20 years to every 4 years or something like that.
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