Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday Thirteen (13) Things My Grandparents Would've Been Surprised That I Paid For

My grandparents lived during most of these inventions, but would still be surprised that I pay for:

1) Internet access

2) Not that they would know what this is, but in addition to Internet access, DSL service.

3) Cell Phones (in addition to land lines!!)

4) Web site hosts

5) E-mail service

6) Virus security service

7) Cable charges, except basic cable fees (they had that themselves, though I think their kids took care of paying for it)

8) Boxes for cable

9) TIVO like services (DVR as we have it, which is also the additional box for cable)

10) Movies on demand

11) DVD subscription services (like Netflix, which I love)

12) Voice mail services (as opposed to the crummy voice mail machines which always seem to break in a year anyway)

13) Music Downloads

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