I can't remember them all, but they were so horrifying that I want to capture what I can:
First one, very vaguely was about Elephants and dog training, thanks very much to the Greatest American dog. Don't remember much of it, but I believe the elephant may have stomped everyone to death.
Second one that I remember. I went with Robert to his Jewish camp reunion. The Rabbi was crazy and thought he could "heal" people. He cut holes in everyone's backs and filled them up with something, then stiched us up. Then he said he was healing, but he started cutting limbs off everyone who had not made enough of a contribution. My husband and our dog ended up getting three limbs cut off. So my husband was only left with one arm, and my dog only had one front leg (our dog wasn't our dog but my client's dog Logan). My husband was just like "oh that's what they do at these things". I wanted to go after them and he didn't. Then a non existant aunt was having a party and she said the same things my husband did.
Third one I remember, I am living with my dogs at my old home in Holden, and my tenant is there too. We have no control over the dogs and they are all running towards the busy 122A where a hotdog stand has been set up across the street. They are spilling hotdogs everywhere, and all the dogs are running towards the traffic. My dogs are already in the traffic, and it ends up with Jack being killed in the traffic.
Horrible, horrible dreams like this all night long. Ugh.